
Dark Maenad: Fire and Steel

Created by Raymond Wiggins

A selection of 32mm fantasy wargaming miniatures in metal and plastic.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The leaving on vacation update.
almost 3 years ago – Mon, Jul 26, 2021 at 01:22:25 AM

Hi Guys, 

Sorry this is a bit rushed as I am leaving on vacation in slightly more than two hours.  I will be away from my computer but I should still be able to answer questions. 

The Pledge Manager is live and of course there have been errors discovered that did not show up in the smoke test.  

The Knight Commander is not available as an add on. This is my fault, I just forgot her. I am trying to fix this but backer kit does not let me just add her.  I will figure out a way to get her to everyone who wants her. 

The Coven Shrine. You can not choose metal or plastic. This is a relic of me figuring out their system. I am trying to fix it but see above.  If there is a place on the form to write in comments just tell me which one you want. I will send out a confirmation email to everyone that ordered one to make sure you get your preferred casting material.  Sorry about this. 

The Coven Shrine, aesthetics. Someone contacted me to say that they would not order the Coven Shrine because the cultists wear hoods and a certain racist American organization wears hoods.  Let's not have a flame war on this, but these hoods are not like those hoods. These hoods are modeled on the groups that march in Spain during Holy Week. A much older tradition than that American group and they are designed to look like the Spanish hoods. Not all hats are fedoras. 

Take care of yourselves, and be good to each other for the next ten days. 

The Pledge Manager is coming at last.
almost 3 years ago – Tue, Jul 20, 2021 at 03:13:12 AM

Hi Backers, 

 As usual I underestimated the amount of time it would take to finish the pledge manager. Even though Backer Kit is easier to use than it used to be some things are still difficult. However, it is done and submitted for review. Hopefully some of you will see your survey invitation this week and the rest next week. 

One note, It was going to be a real nightmare setting up the add-ons so that STL backers could order physical rewards, so I decided that if you are an STL backer and want physical rewards you will need to place a separate order through the pre-order store.  The price, shipping, and delivery date are the same so this shouldn't be a problem for most of you. However, four of you put in extra money clearly planning to order physical rewards. Don't worry, your pledge will be honored, I am just not sure how we will work it. The best option would be for Backer Kit to issue a credit for the store, the second best option would be for me to issue a credit, the third option will be for me to refund the amount you pledged for a physical reward and let you decide what to do with it. I will let you know what I am able to work out. 

I'll be back soon with a further update.


The because they made me update.
almost 3 years ago – Thu, Jul 08, 2021 at 08:55:47 AM

Hi Backers, 

Those of you that have been with me since the first campaign will know that I'm pretty good at keeping you informed but that I try not to waste your time. I have had several nudges to update including one from Kickstarter so I am serving you this juicy almost nothing burger. 

The Pledge Manager is completed except for shipping prices. I want to charge you a flat fee, Backer Kit wants to make you pay for each item. I have decided nobody's package is going to way much so I am charging everyone the bare minimum for shipping. Unfortunately that's still higher than I would like. $5 for the United States, $15 for Canada, and $20 for the rest of the world.  As soon as Backer Kit gets back to me on how to do this we are live. I have decided I am not going to close the Backer Kit once it opens so you will be able to return and order more as often as you would like, just know that if you order after October 1st your order may be delayed if we don't have stock on hand to fill it immediately. 

Plastic examples. I know you all want to see these and I don't blame you. Nobody wants to buy a pig in a poke as they say.  The Siocast machine is set up and prepared to run at Effincool, but there appears to be a shortage of rubber in the US and John is having a hard time getting the supplies he needs to make the molds. In the mean time, check out Siocast on Instagram to see what their machines can do. 

The second Elephant. There is also a shortage of Yannick's sculpting time as he is being bombarded with requests for his work. I have given up on getting the second elephant sculpted before fulfilment so I have decided to have Yannick do a second head and and just include that in the War Elephant pledge. So if you purchase the War Elephant you will get two heads for the price of one. The second head will also be in the complete STL package. 

Well there you go, not such a nothing burger after all. I will hopefully be back within a week with news on the Pledge Manager and possibly even some samples of the plastics. In the mean time enjoy the first two cultists from the Coven Shrine. 

Pledge Manager Update
almost 3 years ago – Tue, Jun 15, 2021 at 12:50:18 AM

Hi Backers,

Several of you have asked about the pledge manager. We are going with Backer Kit this time. I am in the process of loading information. Data entry is not really my thing and it is going a bit slow but  the new system is much easier than the old one so yeah. My goal is to be done by the end of June at the latest. I will then leave it open until the end of August. We will be opening the pledge manager for late pledges and these should ship at the same time as the other pledges. 

To tide you over, here are the first pictures of the Coven Shrine showing one of the four beares. 

Thank you all for this incredible campaign
almost 3 years ago – Sat, May 29, 2021 at 07:13:53 PM

Hi Backers,

This is incredible, thank you all for contributing. This campaign couldn't have happened without each and every one of you. I am truly grateful. 

Over the next three to four weeks I will keep you in the loop showing you new renders, informing you of progress on setting up the pledge manager through Backer Kit, and the status of the funds from Kickstarter. I will try not to bombard you though.  

While I am thinking everyone let me just say a few words about the people who made this possible. 

First my wife Yana, she is my muse, the inspiration for the fearless, beautiful, and deadly women that Dark Maenad makes in miniature. She has posed for many of the figures when I am trying to explain to my sculptor Owen or Yannick what I am wanting, and she is the literal face of Dark Maenad as the company logo is a portrait of her as a Maenad. Thank you baby for everything you do.

My Concept Artist Owen Aurelio, who not only puts my rambling thoughts and ideas into a something concrete, but who isn't afraid to challenge me when he thinks I'm wrong, and who is always willing to indulge my endless side projects making heraldry and recruiting posters for my personal warbands. 

My sculptor Yannick Hennebo whose lighting fast work, ability to interpret my vision, and beautiful sculpting has become the look of Dark Maenad. 

My miniature caster John Popson, who not only produces some of the most beautiful casts in the miniature business but who is an amazing sculptor in his own right and who has been a magnificent sounding board and source of advice through two campaigns now.

The great Tuomas Pirinen for including Dark Maenad in his new game system and for launching the company in a new and fascinating direction. I can't wait to see where this collaboration leads.  

Our painters, in particular Patrick Chambers, for always being ready to paint a miniature at the last minute and making it look amazing. Also, to Jen Haley, Ivan Radenkovic, and Elizabeth Beckly-Bradford for your beautiful work. I will be reaching out to all of you in the near future to try to bring you into this new project. 

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.